Are you a handy person, like to socialize, hang backstage with pro riders, inform festival goers or just like helping in general and have a good time?
Click on the link below:
sign up here to volunteer!
Are you a handy person, like to socialize, hang backstage with pro riders, inform festival goers or just like helping in general and have a good time?
Then you might want to volunteer at this year's Bike Fest.
We are currently looking for help with the following tasks:
Every volunteer walks home with a cool Tshirt and lots of fun swag but most of all, you will go home all smiling and with tons of great memories!
If you are interested please reach out to [email protected]
* Each volunteer receives a loyalty card entitling them to a discount ranging from 10% off up to 300usd with some of our partners. The loyatly card is valid for 1 year starting on May 23rd, 2025 until the next Bike Fest.
Participating business and their offerings for the period from May 2025 to May 2026:
- Bike Shop Joes => 10% off on all purchases
- Ernie Lechuga Coaching => 50% off on a Bike Fits
- Get Outside Daily Rentals => 50USD off on all 3 day rentals
- Gnargo Bikes => 300USD off on any purchase of a New Gnargo Bike
- Rider Up => Free use of the app
- Premiere Physical Therapy and Sports Rehab => 25% off on a Bike fit
- Flo Bike Wear => 50% off on any purchase
- Mojo Bicycles => 15% off Gear and accessories
- Magnolia Cycles => Free Hot Melt Chain Wax treatment ($75 value) & Free Pelli Ceramic Protect application ($15 value) with any tuneup they buy at the shop.
- High Tag App => The Business agrees to offer a 30% discount for new memberships the first month or first year of a new membership
- Snack Lab => The Business agrees to offer a 10% discount to Bentonville Bike Fest volunteers
- Velocirax=> 10% Discount for any purchase made between May 23-May 27,2025
- LovellUp Fences And Decks => Discount on Labor (Value not to exceed 1000$) between June 1st 2025 and December 31st 2025
More participating businesses who proudly support our volunteer village:
It's just impossible to have a succesful event without having great volunteers!
Volunteer FAQ
Sincerely yours,
The Entire Bentonville Bike Fest Team!